Saturday, May 12, 2007


Now why, I asked myself, would anyone in their right mind want to inflict totalitarianism (via any ideological or religious system) onto humanity? It has been proven by the USSR, China and Korea, to deaden human creativity and intellect. Although I must admit, all Russians I have met - who were brought up under Socialism - were well versed in opera, ballet, classic literature, history - albeit a bit slanted but then isn't ours? - and politics. Not so now that they havc a steady diet of Western rubbish, but there is a reason for that and it has to do with what I see as treasonous actions by Russian traitors. Russians don't miss standing in line to buy brown synthetic suits, but they do miss the cheap power which gave them warmth in their flats - if they were lucky enough to get one. Sometimes I think the Russian State would have had a perfectly happy population if they had just arranged massive imports of the latest blue denim jeans from USA for their young people.

Look at all the left-wing proponents throughout the world. In history even. All they want, it seems, is to reduce all people to the same level - economically, intellectually, and even (as I have noticed lately) racially. They don't really want diversity or multiculturalism, although these are cried on their banners. They want everyone to be brown, poor, and stupid. Then, it appears, we will all be happy. Because we are the same people in a global village there will be no more wars, no more competition. Eveyone will be happy, well fed, and have a job. There will no longer be rich and poor, (we will all be poor) sick and healthy, (baffled about how they will fix that - make a law against being sick?) weak and strong, (we will all be weak) clever and stupid (we will all be stupid), and marching in formation to enriching and fulfilling work each day. Heaven knows what sort of work we will be marching to! Possibly, as George Orwell predicted, the more literary of us will be re-writing history. (Vale, Cordus!)

What about religion? Christianity won't be much of a problem, (bend your neck to the yoke, render unto Caesar etc) but Jews and Muslims - now there's a problem. One lot wants time off to pray five times a day with obligatory washing, half of them can't work because of the clothes they wear, another lot won't work on Friday, all the holy days they are half stunned with hunger from fasting, some won't work with others...I suppose the Christians will have to pull double their weight but hang on, will there even be religion? Will the State permit it?

Have the left-wing proponents of the uni-race global village thought this whole plan through properly?

Do they really think millions of people are going to give up their languages, customs, identities and religions to become some sort of mono-man?

Valerie Morse (who burnt the New Zealand flag on ANZAC day - if my father had been there he would have re-arranged her teeth for her) has been sucking at the public tit for a long time. The woman is a professional agitator who spends her spare time doing university degrees at the taxpayers' expense. She applies for, and gets grants. I suspect a lot of agitators do the same. They seem to have an enormous amount of spare time on their hands to travel, print off their little agitprop leaflets and tracts, socialise with other agitators, and just generally agitate. It's a living I guess.

I suspect the proponents of a future socialist heaven think their natural talents for leadership and ideological guidance for the masses will propel them into leadership positions so they will never have to be bound by their own totalitarian philosophies. Poor silly creatures. Those who don't know about history are bound to repeat it. They are hoist by their own petards.

So my conclusion about all this left-wing nonsense of freedom for all is that they will (if we don't do something about it) have us end up in chains. If people like Valerie Morse and her kind think they will somehow be exempt, I can assure them (and probably will as we pass each other on the way to the cornfield with our sickles) they will not.


Plateau said...

"Valerie Morse (who burnt the New Zealand flag on ANZAC day - if my father had been there he would have re-arranged her teeth for her)"

LOL.. I'm sure quite a few others would have helped your father.

Finally, had the chance to take a closer look at your blog. Very nice.

Hope all is well.


P.S. There is a recent article on my blog which may interest you "The subjection of Islamic Women". It is about American Feminism vs. active "Feminists" in Muslim countries. It is a long article but I found it interesting. I guess it addresses a question you once asked about the silence of Feminists in the West regarding "Teachers Protests" and "Women's Rights Activists" in Iran. I believe it is written by an American woman.

tefta said...

It's me, erp signed in as my alter ego. These two posts are interesting, but I don't agree with your conclusions. The Russians you met were the ones with the courage and audacity to move away from the collective and strike out, albeit, in a small way, on their own.

Yes, to people our age, western culture doesn't hold up very well against classic ballet and opera, but remember when those operas and ballets were first introduced, they were considered vulgar. Likewise the impressionists and modern sculpture, art and architecture, much of which isn't my taste, but it's not outlawed for being different.

Should people be jailed for saying stupid things like the holocaust didn't happen? Obviously not. There are still people who think we never landed on the moon and even that the earth is flat. So what?

Here are some more impressions:


The reason the Soviets couldn't allow blue jeans is because that would have only been the beginning, the camel's nose under the tent. Remember perestroika.

I knew a lot of Soviets. The college at which I worked had a junior year abroad program in Moscow and a total immersion summer program on campus in Vermont where all the faculty were native speakers.

Most of the students were left leaning when they left and when they came back, they kissed the tarmac at Kennedy airport.

The Soviet faculty were a drab bunch, constantly watching each other. No doubt there were spies among them. Contrast this poor lot with the high spirited Spaniards or even the West Germans or the Taiwanese.

Communism/socialism is a death culture.

The factory scene in "Dr Zhivago" made it wonderfully clear. People are merely cogs in a wheel. Totally interchangeable. Can you really believe that people would trade a warm room for their soul/humanity? I don't think that's a very good bargain.

I very much doubt that you'd starve without the welfare state. You're much to resourceful for that and it's unlikely any of us will be marching to the fields to cut grain with a scythe, unless that becomes the latest fad for losing weight.

I think you're suffering from light deprivation. Get ye to a sunny warm climate and stay there.

Jude the Obscure said...

LOL erp - I suffer not from light deprivation (fancy name Seasonal Affective Disorder) but from bouts of melancholia inherited from my Celtic forebears. I think the Germans call it weltschmerz. It is not sadness or unhappiness or depression because it is a recognisable (and sometimes enjoyable - work that out!) feeling.

tefta said...

I see that GAD aka Geezer Attention Disorder is affecting my writing. Naturally in the penultimate paragraph above, I meant to say too resourceful.

Plateau said...

Jude: I've an important article on my blog about the role of Jimmy Carter, the Shah and Khomeini. Might shed some more light on the question of what happened and my earlier comments in another post for you. Check it out when you get the chance. Thanks.

Plateau said...

Hi Jude, I've moved my blog, here is the new address:

erp said...

Glad you're back online.